C. L. Staines and S. L. Staines
3302 Decker Place, Edgewater, MD 21037
Chrysomelids are model herbivores. Most species are monophagous or narrowly oligophagous on a small
number of plant families. In the tropics, the area most studied, chrysomelids have been found to be an
excellent indicator of local species richness, due to not only their relative abundance but the ease of
morphospecies sorting by a nonspecialist. The diversity of chrysomelids is exceptionally rich and a function of
local plant diversity. These factors make chrysomelids an excellent candidate for indicator species
assemblages for natural area monitoring. A project was started in 1997 on Plummers Island, Maryland, to
determine whether chrysomelid species assemblages are indicators of plant diversity, site disturbance, and
environmental heterogeneity. At this site we have the advantage of historical collection data dating back to
1901 that can be used as baseline information.