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Fauna Europaea Service 2004


Catalogue of the Palaearctic Coleoptera

deels verwerkt

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Apollo Books, Stenstrup. 924 p.



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subregion Eurosiberië


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siberische provincie

Landskapskatalog för skalbaggar
Sveriges Entomologiska Förening
In association with the Swedish Species Information Centre and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Zie ook
Lundberg & Gustafsson (2006)


Rapporteringssystemet for småkryp
Artsdatabanken (Norge)
In association with the Norsk entomologisk forening (NEF) and Norsk zoologisk forening (NZF)




Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility
LUOMUS - Finnish Museum of Natural History
                   University of Helsinki

Insect database - Hyönteistietokanta



Nordic Coleoptera Groups
lista, litteratur, forumet
Håkan Lundkvist & Christoffer Fägerström


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midden-europese provincie



Groot-Brittannië  en Ierland

National Biodiversity


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In association with the Natural History Museum Aarhus


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Vries de & Gevers & Verheul (eds) 2004

nieuwste waarnemingen
Stichting Natuurinformatie Groningen



Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF)


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BE     Recente waarnemingen
Natuurpunt Studie vzw
Stichting Natuurinformatie Groningen



Belgian Species List
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brussel.


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aangrenzend Duitsland 


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Verzeichnis der Käfer Deutschlands online
Köhler, F. et al. (eds) 




Tolasch & Gürlich (2001)
Verbreitungskarten der Käfer Schleswig-Holsteins und des Niederelbegebietes
In association with the Verein für Naturwissen- schaftliche Heimatforschung zu Hamburg e.V.

Benisch C. (2007) Die Kaferfauna Deutschlands []



Naturgucker (2008)



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Galerie du Monde des insectes
Michel Guttin & Pierre Duhem 2004
Distribution par départements
Distribution sur l'année


INPN Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel
Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle


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Midden-Europa (o.m. Duitsland, Noord-Alpen, Tsjechië)


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Coleoptera Poloniae

Coleoptera Poloniae 2009
Polish Biodiversity Information Network
In association with the University of Wrocław
Museum and Institute of Zoology

Polish Academy of Sciences
Zie ook Mapa Bioróznorodnosci [online]
Krajowa Siec Informacji o Bioróznorodnosci


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subregion Mediterraan 


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centraal mediterrane provincie

Chrysomelidae Italië
Bibliography - Checklist of the Italian Species -

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Checklist and chorology maps are in progress 2010


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turanische provincie


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subregion Centraal-Azië (CEA)



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Australië en Pacific

Australian Faunal Directory
The Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

Zie oop  



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